Concrete plants and equipment for construction


SIMI design manufactures and installs factories with the best solutions and the quality for your business. With many years of experience we can help you in finding the optimal solution for your business.

SIMI planetary mixers are made according to the latest technologies.

SIMI mixers with agitator for prefabricates and most accurate systems of dosing and measurement of materials will help you in getting the best concrete products.

Devices for measuring consistency and moisture of aggregates will help in the production of high-quality prefabricated products.

We can also provide you with the SIMI sampling system.

Basic advantages of SIMI mixers:

  • 1. Low transportation costs
  • 2. Low installation costs
  • 3. Compact design
  • 4. Equipped with the latest computer systems

Modeli mešalica po sistemu izrade:

  • Intensive mixers
  • Ring pan mixers
  • Twin shaft mixers
  • Planetary mixers

concrete plants and equipment for construction