New 3.25m³ concrete batching plant installed in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Simi installed a new mobile concrete batching plant in Bucharest for the company Autorav.
Simi installed two new concrete plants of 30 m³ and 15 m³ per hour, with planetary mixers for the production of precast concrete in Budapest, Hungary.
In cooperation with the ETC Consult from Geneva, Simi produced and delivered dehydrator for clay separation.
Simi delivered and installed concrete plant with a planetary mixer for a pipe production line for Pestan company in Arandjelovac. The distribution of concrete in the hall is carried out by a Kibel ban manufactured by Simi.
The newest 80m³ Simi concrete batching plant installed in Berlin for Anes Bau GMBH
Simi herstellung von betonmischanlagen und andere ausrüstung für baubranche
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